Water Damage

Preventing Water Damage

Water damage can devastate a home. Even a small amount of water can cause issues. And with Spring Showers in full effect, preventing water damage is on the top of many minds. Water damage can occur in many ways. Let’s review the most common scenarios and tips for prevention. Pipe Burst – Typically this occurs during the winter when a …Continue Learning

4 Ways To Avoid Getting Your Car Stolen

Most of us don’t think about car theft prevention until it’s too late. But the fact is, learning how to prevent a car theft is knowledge you need. Consider this: a vehicle is stolen every 44 second in the United States according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). While 50 percent are recovered, that somewhat encouraging figure doesn’t …Continue Learning

Couple taking a Home Inventory

Time For A Home Inventory

There is never a great time for a home insurance claim – especially one with significant damage. A flood, tornado or fire can cause partial or total loss and that means filing a claim for every possession within your home. While some items are easy to remember, like a couch, bed or large screen TV, other items aren’t so easy …Continue Learning
Driving Record Matter

Safe driving tips to reduce insurance costs.

It’s a known fact that safe drivers have fewer accidents. As a result their insurance rates stay low. So the way you operate your vehicle can directly affect how much you pay for insurance. Some insurance companies are even providing monitoring devices that track how a person drives, which can lead to further discounts. So, how can you do this …Continue Learning
Renter's Insurance

Securing you home while you travel can help reduce insurance costs.

Whether it’s for business or pleasure, many people have to leave their homes to travel from time to time. And while you’re gone, keeping your home secure is the key to preventing break-ins. According to government statistics, there are approximately 2.2 million home burglaries each year, which amounts to a break in every 15 seconds. And unoccupied homes are prime …Continue Learning

How to avoid unnecessary insurance claims

Unnecessary claims are those associated with acts that could have been avoided. For example, there is a large tree limb that hangs over the roof of your home. The limb appears to be dead. During a thunderstorm the limb falls and punctures your roof. Now while the thunderstorm was unavoidable, considered an act of God by most insurance companies, the …Continue Learning

How keeping your home secure can reduce insurance costs

As we have discussed in other articles on this blog, insurance costs are calculated using probability. In other words, how likely something is to occur. ...Continue Learning

Driving Records

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Does renter’s insurance cover injuries?

Renters insurance provides two main forms of coverage – liability and contents insurance – and they are offered together by most insurance companies. ...Continue Learning

Do insurance companies check driving records?

While insurance companies don’t have access to complete driving records, they can access basic information such as traffic tickets and suspended license ...Continue Learning

Why was my claim denied?

On occasion, insurance claims do get denied. Sometimes it is a clerical mistake. Humans make mistakes. Sometimes it is a misunderstanding. Perhaps the ...Continue Learning

Why did my insurance rates change?

Insurance rates will fluctuate from time to time. Typically most polices are locked in for a year at time. That means your rates can’t change during ...Continue Learning