It’s not uncommon to have a vehicle that isn’t driven very much. Maybe it’s an extra car or truck that is used only occasionally or maybe you simply don’t drive your only car very often. Regardless, you may find yourself questioning whether it’s worth insuring a car that very rarely sees the road. So, should you insure it? Absolutely, without out question, YES. All cars that are driven on the road should be insured. Your state may even require it.
But even if it’s not legally required, it’s simply a good idea. Accidents happen, whether your fault or not. And insurance is there to protect you. But ultimately you need to make good financial decisions. Maybe it’s worth considering getting rid of any vehicles that aren’t driven very often. Is it worth it to insure them? If you only drive a car a few times a year, but it costs $500 to insure is it worth it? That is a decision only you can make. If it is a collectible car and you enjoy it, then the answer may be yes. But if there is no value in keeping an extra vehicle, perhaps it’s time to shed all the expenses of ownership and get rid of it.
Insurance is about good financial decisions, and that means deciding if it’s worth keeping the vehicle at all. If you keep it, insure it. There are cost-cutting ways to reduce your insurance premiums, so be sure to ask about those.
To learn more about available discounts, contact your independent Provident Insurance agent. We serve Plainfield, Greenwood, Avon, Brownsburg, Indianapolis, Carmel, Zionsville and the entire central Indiana area. Stop in one of our convenient locations to discuss your insurance needs today.